Saturday, June 11, 2011

Wal-Mart Revelations

Monday began just like any other day. I got up, went to work hung out with the kids, and then left work. I decided that I wanted to go to Wal-Mart after work and pick up a few groceries. Little did I know at this time that God was going to give me an incredible revelation that I had been searching for for monthes. As I went in Wal-Mart I grabbed what I needed and headed to the speedy check-out lane. Thinking that I was doing the kind thing and what God told me to do I allowed a lady in front of me who only seemed as though she had a Sierra Mist. Come to find out she also had to buy a gift card. After about 30 minutes of standing in line, a gentlemen came and told the rest of us in line to come to customer services. As we got to that line there were about 20 people already in that line and all of the other open lanes were filled with people as well. Finally I got to the back of another lane and about that time the lane I was originally in began to once again move.

So long story short, God taught me a huge lesson in "the big P".. in case you didn't know, that stands for patience. God, in those moments taught me a lesson in being still and waiting for Him to direct my steps. I learned in those moments that it's okay to not busily move around becaue in those times I miss out on the details that God wants me to see. God taught me that it's okay to not know all of the details of my life right now, but to stay in the moment and look for opportunites where I am.

I finally have peace about the summer. I'm finally able to say that I'm okay with being at home. No, it's not easy to read facebook and see how so many of my friends are missionaries in other countries or working at camps. If I would have chosen to embark on the journey of going to Camp Merri-Mac I would have left on Monday and arrived there at noon to begin training. So needless to say Monday was not an easy day for me but in the middle of my Wal-Mart Revelation, God made it clear to me that right now is my time to wait and that in His timing He will show me where and how to move.

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