TODAY was awful.. okay, maybe i'm over exaggerating a bit.. Today, I woke up and was planning on having Chik-Fila for lunch before I started working on my English work. As I drove up to Chik-Fila, the line was backed up ALLL the way around the building, and the line was crazy inside so I changed plans and just went to SHEETZ. okay, so that wasn't too bad. I then headed over to Barnes and Noble and began doing things just to cross them off of my to-do-list that felt as though it was over a mile long. After studying for about 2 hours for my English Final Exam, I opened the test on my computer and for some reason although my internet had been perfect all day, as soon as I opened my test, the internet stopped working therefore causing me not to be able to take my test. Let's say a little prayer that my professor is in a generous mood or either I'm screwed to the max. I then, angrily leave Barnes and Noble and at this time it is already 5:30 and I am supposed to be at a party at 6 which in case you were wondering.. I didn't make it to it. I then get my Chik-Fila for myself and my family and head home to begin my English paper. I finish that, turn it in, pray for atleast a C, and then continue on to take my Art test, where my internet freezes and continues to close my browser before I even answer the first question. Then, not 5 minutes later, family members come into the house yelling at one another, in a non friendly tone. All of this to say, God taught me something incredible today. By the way, sorry for the venting.
During my incredibly stressful and busy day today, God taught me a lesson that I will never forget. He taught me to not live a life filled with checklists. I think for me, a lot of times it is so easy for me to get caught up in making to-do-lists, making Wal-Mart lists, making out calendars where I fill every possible nook and cranny of my time with something because I'm scared of free time. God taught me today, that it is time for me to stop living like a check-list Christian. God wants us to live a life where we are free to change to conform to the will of God. God created us not for us to fill our lives with stuff, but to fill our lives with love, and with peace, and with hope. I think it is so easy to have the mind set of completing a task and moving right on to the next thing. Let us stope for a moment and reflect on the GREATNESS of our God! =)
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