Thursday, December 29, 2011

Let Justice and Praise become my embrace

Wow! What a beautiful day today! The Lord taught me some incredible things this evening and I thought it would be only fair if I shared them with you all, my readers! =) I was cleaning up my room at home this evening and organizing some things trying to figure out what I needed to take back to school and I came across a few very important things. Here they are:

1. I came across my mission trip journal that a very dear person in my life, Susie Poindexter, from when I went to Manchester KY for the first time. It was incredibly beautiful to see how on fire I was for the Lord and just how I was soo incredibly on fire to share the love of Christ with other people. It was really neat to read those journal entries. I also along with that found my other mission trip journals as well from where I went to Port Sulphur, LA and to Dillingham, AK. It's so cool to look and see how much of a high you have when I am on mission trips

This got me to thinking though. Why aren't we like that all the time? Why do we only have to have our spiritual highs while we are on trips. As we go to the grocery store or take our kids to school or play sports, or even study for a test, we are doing it for the glory of God

Daddy, help me to not get so caught up in myself that I fail to serve you and make you visible to everyone around me. Help me to serve you in all that I do! Help me to love you with an unconditional love. Help me to praise you with the words that come out of my mouth and the actions that I take part in. Father, consume me from the inside out. I want to know you so much more than I already do. Show me Your ways!

2.The second thing that I came across this evening was a group of notecards that my dear friend Marilee Betz made for me. One of the Bible verses that really stood out to me tonight was this one:

 "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you and watch over you." Psalm 32:8

How beautiful is this, all we have to do is look to God and God will show us the direction to go! All we have to do is to follow in the footsteps of God and the directions for our life will be so much simpler.

Now that is a lot easier said than done. It is hard for me to sit down and listen to God. I get distracted so easily. I lose patience becasue I look for instantaneous answers. I drown out the silence with music or talking or arguing or contemplating and forget to listen for the still small voice of God speaking to us!

Patient Lord, helo me to not become so involved with what is going wrong in my life, that I don't take the time to listen to You. This next semester is  coming soon. Help me to bask in the silence of who You are and listen for the still small voice. Help me to understand and to realize who You are. Open my blind eyes, unlock my deaf ears! I am Yours God. I give you control. Show me what You want! Hold me in Your loving embrace.

3. The third and last important thing that I found tonight was my Mother Teresa quote book. If any of you know me well, then you know that I LOVE Mother Teresa. She is my biggest hero and I love to look at her words of wisdom. It is beautiful to see her heart and the person that she was by the words that she said throughout her lifetime. One quote in particular that stood out to me tonight was this:

"St. Joseph knew, when Mary became pregnant, that this child was not his child. He saw that she was pregnant but didn't know how. If he had gone to the high priest, she would have been stoned to death. Do you see the charity and thoughtfullness of St. Joseph? If we have that same kind of charity and thoughtfullness toward each other, our families will become the abode of the Most High. How beautiful our families will become where there is total thoughtfulness for others. "

I thought this quote was beautiful. I think that it is easy for us to blame other people and to look down on other people but if we took the time instead to love them, there would be a lot less lonliness and so much more love. Another quote by Mother Teresa that fits along with this idea is this: "I have found the paradox in life: If we love until it hurts, there will be no more hurt only more love." This is so true. If we loved people that same amount that we hurt them, there would be so much more love in the world.

Precious King, Thank you for thr gift of friendship and family. Help us to not take them for granted. Help us to love more than we hate. Help us to be gratdeful more than we complain. Help us to give forgiveness more than condemnation. Help us to love with Your love. Thank You for the gift of life!

Beautiful friends, I hope that you have a blessed day today! Thanks for reading my blog by the way. =)


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