I just thought since I never post pictures on here, I would post some so that you all could see who I spend my time with and the people who have blessed and touched my life in unexplainable ways! The people in these pictures are people that I have made so many memories with and who have helped to bring beauty from ashes through some very difficult times in my life. Each one of these people in these pictures has been a shoulder that I have been able to cry on during this incredibly stressful and hard semester! I could not have made it through without each of these beautiful brothers and sisters in Christ! These is one person who has been amazing through this semester and that would be my beautiful roommate Katie Broyles, I don't know what I would have done without her this semester! She definitely had to listen to me a lot and I am so thankful for the time I was ableto spend with her and getting to know her!
These are by far some of the most beautiful sisters in Christ that I have. Erin, on the far right has the ability to speak truth into my life when I can't believe the truth myself! She has spoken truth into my life on so many different occasions! I had some sweet moments with her this semester, one being a coffee date that we had midsemester which came at the most perfect time possible! |
These two women are incredible! I wish that everyone could get a taste of the light of Christ that is shone through both of them! Lindsay, far left is one of my best friends in the entire world! She just beams light that is straight from The Lord! She is able to speak truth into my life when it is sometimes hard to hear. She allowed me to come to her house at my most broken moment this semester and she prayed for me what I couldn't pray myself because I was at a point where I wasn't speaking to God. She allowed me to lay in her floor for a very long time and to just cry out while she played with my hair and played music! That was such a beautiful experience! |
Wow! This is a picture full of beauty (minus the one in the middle) just kidding! =) Susie Poindexter on the left, is my second mom, no doubt about it! She knows how and why my heart beats and she knows everything about my heart and she still loves me. Susie has helped me through the most broken of times in my life. She has helped me to stand when I didn't think that was possible and she has the ability to speak truth into my life even when it may be painful. She helps me to do the hard things in life! I love her so much more than words could ever explain! =) |
Wow, these are by far my best friends in the entire world! These girls and myself have so much fun together! Caroline and Beth have been in my life since we were born and it's beautiful to see how our friendship has grown over the years! Caroline and I have been close our whole lives and it is really neat to see how we can be completely honest with one another even when what we have to say my be painful to hear. Beth has a beautiful heart that is always looking for ways to serve other people and it has been a complete joy to share life with her! I love them so much! =) Sarah on the far left is such a beautitul sister and I know that God has some incredible plans for her life! She has such an amazing voice that she uses to bring praises to The Father! I love these girls so much! I would for sure not be the person I am today without them! |
these are my beautiful friends that I spent the majority of my time with this semester! I would most definitely call them my family! I love all three of them more than words could ever say! |
This is our family when we went trick-or-treating! Dr. Brummett (the one without a blue wig) is by far one of my favorite people in the entire world! Dr. Brummett works so hard to make sure that everyone is taken care of. He is our vice president of student affairs, and was my academic advisor my freshmen year before he got promoted! This man has helped me so much in th short time I have known him. He has such a beautiful heart to serve people! |
These are some of my beautiful sisters at CN. All of them have a very special place in my heart, and unfortunately all of them are graduating in May. (Yes, I will be crying my whole way home from school this year) Andrea, in the bottom middle has definitely been my rock. She knows me better than I know myself and she has an amazing spirit and a beautiful story. I can't wait to see how God uses her story to impact the lives of so many one day! |
Cardboard City is by far myfavorite thing that we do at CN. Basically what it is, is a time of literally living in Card Board Boxed for 2 nights in order to bring awareness to homelessness in our area and as a way to raise money for Appalachian Outreach which is a service organization that is right down the street from our school! |
I had the beautiful and amazing opportunity to go to Raleight NC during fall break this year. There we worked first hand with the homeless population and had the opportunity to spend time with them and to love on them as well as to volunteer at their Rescue Mission by preparing a meal and cleaning. We also were able to pick yams for needy families in the Raleigh area! It was such a beautiful experience! |
I intern with a youth group at FBC Jefferson City. This is a picture from one of the girls nights that we had. Girls nights are always a blast. I love being able to intern at FBC. It is an amazing environment with beautiful people! |
This here is Michelle or as I like to call her, Chelle Chelle. Michelle has the most beauitful heart of anyone I have ever met in my entire life! Michelle has an incredible story and she is going to change the world one day. Actually I take that back, she is changing the world right now! =) Love you Chelle! |
This here is my EPC family. EPC is the Eagle Production Company. I have a leadership position in that organization. It is filled with some of the most service oriented people that I have ever made! I have made some of the neatest friendships through my service with EPC |
My cousin got hitched on December 10th! yay! I love you Lindsay and Chester! Lindsay and Chester are precious together. Two very amazing people deserve to be together and that is what they are! They were definitely meant to be! |
Dr. Jones! Dr. Jones has the most beautiful heart of anyone that I know! She would do anything for anyone! I love her more than words can say! She has a beautiful family and I can't wait to get to know them better through these next two and a half years at Carson-Newman! |
Megan is a beautiful sister who is just filled with so much joy that it is contagious! I can not wait to see what beauty God is going to make from the ashes and hard times that she has faced! She is such a beautiful sister that God is using in incredible ways already! |
My "Family"
Daddy, I thank you for these amazing and beautiful people that you have placed in my life! These people are the hands and feet of Christ. Daddy, I thank you for their beautiful spirits an d for their abilities to love me with an unconditional love and to help me through some difficult situations throughout this semester! Daddy, guide and protect each one of these prized possessions of yours and do not let them stray far from You, for it is in You and You alone that we find peace and rest! It is in You that we find grace and mercy and forgiveness! It is in You that we find pure Joy and beautiful friendships! =)
Jaime =)
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