Thursday, December 22, 2011

Hunger Games/ America

So, this week I have read the first book in the Hunger Games series and I absoloutely fell in love! I fell in love at the fact that it was a well written as well as interesting story! As I was reading it though, I couldn't help but to think of our lives as American's.

Basically what the first book in the series is about it this post apocalyptic world where they have 12 different districts. Once a year they have this major event called the Hunger Games and the point of the games is to be the last one living. From each district their are 2 names drawn, one male and one female between the ages of 12 and 18. These people basically fight to their death and whoever the winner of the games is gets to have food for their district for the year and they get some other prizes as well.

It was definitely interesting in how it was necessary to watch your back at all times because the people, even those who you became allies with were ready for your moment of weakness so that they coudl stab you in the back in order to keep moving forward in the games.

How often do we do that here in America? Especially in the job market We try to make ourselves look the best while making the identities of our competition look terrible no matter the cost. We tell lies about them to try and make them look bad.

The same goes in our high schools as we fight the battle of popularity and fitting in. There is so much bad mouthing that goes on between teenage girls especially. Theres the name calling, hoe, slut, skank, trash. We let these words flow freely from our minds, not realizing the effect they have on the ones who absorb these words into their deepest crevices.

Father God, help me to not live in a constant sense that I have to be the best or the most liked. Help me to not feel like I have to have peoples attention constantly. Help me to guard my tongue and to stop being so consumed with myself that I forget to love others. Daddy, break my heart for what breaks Yours. Show me Your direction for my life so that I can stop feeling like I'm running through the wilderness with no way out. I feel like I am running on the hamster wheel of life and I'm getting tired and worn out. I want to stop the running. I want to see new things, and have new experiences. I don't want to have to fight others so that I can come in first place. Because of my desire and fight to always be the best, I am letting people not feel like they can reach their full potential and for me, that is not healthy and it's not healthy for the others as well. Help me to give up this control that I have been holding on to for so long and place it quitely in your arms so that you can have the control that I so desperatley need to give up! -Amen

Jaime =)

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