My Journey and how God takes the beautiful pieces as well as the broken pieces and transforms them into My Story!
Monday, November 22, 2010
College Life as I know it...
SOO I have now been in college for 3 monthes. Tomorrow I leave to go home for Thanksgiving and I'm honestly sad to leave my friends from school. I LOVE everything about Carson-Newman. I love the God focusedness of the whole thing. I love how I have made so many amazing friends who I know will be a part of my life forever. I can be myself around them, and they love me for who I am. I can't believe how fast these past 3 monthes have flown by. I've changed my major. I'm not going to be a teacher anymore, atleast not in a classroom. I know that I'm supposed to teach, but I don't think the classroom setting is for me. Right now my only major is Religion and I'm adding a second major in sociology probally some time in the Spring. I'm really excited about that too. I'm excited that I'm going to have a job where I can serve God and people all day every day. I can't wait. This past month has been really stressful because I've really been trying to listen to the voice of God, and discern His plans, and He keeps saying, "you'll know when you're supposed to know." It's kind of scary yet refreshing to be able to compltely rely on God for everything. I really feel that God wants me to work at Camp Merri-Mac this summer and I'm terrified because I'm not sure I'm as strong as I need to be with my walk with The Lord. I really have a passion to work with teenage girls so it's exciting for me to be able to do this. Although it shouldn't be, I'm scared about money and not having enough money to come to school here in the fall of 2011. I'm going to have to work my tail off to get scholarships and stuff in order to be able to stay here. I need more faith so that I can fully rely on the power of Christ to provide for my every need. I think a lot of times we don't take Christ seriously when He says, "take up the cross and follow me." Do we think Christ is kidding when He tells us that? No, definitley not. God doesn't want us to be caught up in material things. He wants us to rely on Him for our every need, and we can, and He will provide for us. It may not be easy, but it will definitely be worth it in the end. Lord, my prayer is that you help me to grow into a person who is not focused on material things and that you help me to live my life where I can live every second in your arms!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
I remember...
SOO I leave for Carson-Newman in less than 2 weeks, 11 days to be exact. I'm SOOO incredibly terrified and yet excited at the same time to begin this new adventure people call life. lol. Lately I've just had so much fear built up inside of me. I'm leaving EVERYTHING that I have ever known, my friends, my family, my amazing church family, my home, my bed, and my comfort zone. Don't get me wrong, I'm so excited to begin earnestly seeking God's will for my life, and where I will serve after college, and while I'm in college. But I'm scared to leave my church family, and that foundation for Christianity that they have built for me, and have helped me to build. It's almost as if while the foundation was being laid, they took my hand and strategically helped me to place each and every stone in it's proper place! It's so neat to look back and to see all of the influences that I have had in my life at RMBC. I'll name a few, but I'm sure I'll forget some as well. As far back as I can remember, and as my grandma has told me, that Granny Franklin took me from my grandma each Sunday morning screaming and crying, and she was persistent. She could have told my grandma to stop bringing me but she didn't, and along with Granny Franklin, there was Maxine Dean, who would love on me and make me feel welcome. Then there was preschool choir with Ann Booker, and Mission Friends with Mary Woerner. In the nursery, I remember my favorite person to keep nursery was Blair Peters, and April Purvis. I looked up to them so much as a young child and still do. Then as I got older, and entered the childrens department, there was Pam Carter, and Sharon Thomas and Jeane Wingfield, who would unconditionally love on us. Then when we were in 5th and 6th grade, there was Bea Bomar, and Glenda Rummage who taught Sunday school each and every Sunday, and I looked so forward to being in their class. On wednesday nights for a while we had Rob Casebolt for Childrens Choir, and then as I got older, we had Becky Cash for it. I remember Mary Carter, was such a role model for me, I just loved being around her, and talking to her. She was such a neat person. I remember moving up into the youth department and the first few months having Jim and Abby Thompson as our youth directors until David and Sharon were hired, and then having David and Sharon. I remember Mark Beck being our interim pastor who really helped us get through the transition period so easily. I remember Susie Poindexter coming to out church, and even though we weren't close at first, I consider her and Sarah to be my best friends now. Looking back, I don't know what I would do if I didn't have them in my life. They have had such a huge impact on my life, and they continue to impact my life on a daily basis, with their unconditional love and acceptance of me no matter what I tell them about my life, and they love me, and don't judge me for a bit of it, and that has been so crucial to my ability to trust. Then Derik, and Katie, they have really helped our church to grow. Derik always has a new idea, and it's so awesome to see how much our church has grown since they have been here. Bonnie Alldredge and her service through being our church secretary. I hadn't really had a conversation with her until we went on a mission trip together, and since then we have become really close which has been amazing. ALthough I have only known her for a year and a half, I feel like i have known her my whole life. I could go on for days and days about how much church family has impacted my life, but I really don't have the words to say how grateful I am to have been able to spend the last 18 years at such a mission oriented place as Randolph Memorial Baptist Church! =) I'm going to miss not being there every Sunday, but now is my time to take what I have learned there with my strong foundation and use it for the glory of God. Afterall that is what a church is for, to equip and then send right? This new phase of my life is about to begin, and i'm so excited about it! =)
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
So tonight, I had the opportunity to go to the Juvenile Detention Center, and my heart was incredibly broken for those guys. They each have so much going on in their lives, and each of them need to have the love of Christ. I told my life story tonight which was incredibly hard for me to do because I had never done it before. I was a little scared because I was around a group of people I had never met before. I don't really have any more words to say other than the fact that by telling my story, it took a lot off of my shoulders! =)
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Mission Trip =)
So.. in less than 5 hours, we will be heading to Manchester Kentucky for a week filled with praising our one true God.. I'm going to be honest for a minute. Until like 2 hours ago I really wasn't excited for this trip at all.. I've been so overwhelmed at work, and then everything else that's going on that I just wanted a break.. My heart was changed though as soon as I asked the Lord to change my heart to a heart willing and ready to serve. It's so funny how we let ourselves become completely overwhelmed without leaning on the strength of the Lord when the whole time He is calling out to us to just lean on Him.
This week is going to be a challenge for me. It's sad to say, but since graduation I haven't really talked to any of my youth group friends. I think it's just because we are all so busy, but anyways it almost feels awkward to have a conversation with them. SO although it will be a challenge it will also be a time of growth.
I'm in charge of VBS, and a youth rally that we are doing on Friday. I can't wait to see the kids who will come to our bible school. If you are the praying type, please take a little time this week to pray for our mission team in Kentucky.. Pray that the Lord will keep us all safe, and that He will give us the words to say when we don't have a clue what to say next. Pray that He will give us the strength we need to keep going on when we are tired.
Also, there are some other mission teams who are serving the Lord this week, so once again, if you will pray for them, that would be amazing. Madison Heights' youth group is going to be in NC this week, Clifford Baptist's youth group is also going to be on a mission trip this week as well.. There is so much work to be done for the Lord!
We have the ability this week to change someones eternal future.. How crazy is that? We have the ability to help someone go to heaven. We have the ability to start a chain reaction of people following Christ!
I hope everyone has an amazing week! It's going to be a hot one!
Love, Jaime
This week is going to be a challenge for me. It's sad to say, but since graduation I haven't really talked to any of my youth group friends. I think it's just because we are all so busy, but anyways it almost feels awkward to have a conversation with them. SO although it will be a challenge it will also be a time of growth.
I'm in charge of VBS, and a youth rally that we are doing on Friday. I can't wait to see the kids who will come to our bible school. If you are the praying type, please take a little time this week to pray for our mission team in Kentucky.. Pray that the Lord will keep us all safe, and that He will give us the words to say when we don't have a clue what to say next. Pray that He will give us the strength we need to keep going on when we are tired.
Also, there are some other mission teams who are serving the Lord this week, so once again, if you will pray for them, that would be amazing. Madison Heights' youth group is going to be in NC this week, Clifford Baptist's youth group is also going to be on a mission trip this week as well.. There is so much work to be done for the Lord!
We have the ability this week to change someones eternal future.. How crazy is that? We have the ability to help someone go to heaven. We have the ability to start a chain reaction of people following Christ!
I hope everyone has an amazing week! It's going to be a hot one!
Love, Jaime
Monday, June 28, 2010
SOOO.. day 2 of Vacation Bible School is over and complete. Random story.. but anyways a few monthes ago I told the directors of Vacation Bible School that I wanted a Challenge.. something that would make me work hard to accomplish. Little did I know that a few weeks later I would be asked to be the Celebration Leader.. I was like whoa.. forreal.. have they heard me sing.. but I said yest of course becacuse I couldn't exactly say no to a challenge.. I began learning the music, and the movements, and now day 2 is over. I got to church yesterday, and frantically made sure I knew all of my movements! Then I found out that they needed more family leaders.. so I volunteered to take on a family! My family last night consisted of 5 hyper boys, and one very shy and quiet girl. But I was excited. We did our thing, went through the market place, played a game, heard Joseph talk, and then went back to our family gathering spot.. in my family I had one little boy who seemed to not be excited to be there. He would lay down, and not listen to me, he wasn't bad by any means, just seemed a bit uninterested! I heard from one of the directors that some money had been taken or misplaced and then returned, but I didn't know who the 'culprit' if you will was.. As I got home last night, the Lord really convicted my heart to pray for this little boy in my group, and so I did, i probally prayed for this kid for like an hour! The Lord just kept bringing him to my mind.. Then I got to church tonight, and I was talking to Melanie, and she told me that this kid in my group is the one who took the money.. My heart sunk in my chest! I didn't know what to think. He wasn't there tonight.. again, my heart sank.. So I called his house.. some man answered the phone, and I told him that I missed his son tonight, and that I would love to have him at bible school tomorrow.. So we'll see, I'm really praying to see this kid tomorrow because he has only been to church twice in his whole life, and he REALLY needs the Lord! If you are the praying kind, please pray that the Lord leads him back to bible school tomorrow night! I'm excited to see how the Lord is going to work and is already working in the lives of the kids and workers at Vacation Bible School! I love my church family more than words can say, and I can't wait to see the amazing things that are going to happen at our church in the future! I don't know what I'm going to do in less than 2 monthes when I leave for school! =(
Saturday, June 5, 2010
wow.. to say the least.. this year has flown by, and two days ago, I did what I have been waiting for for 13 years. I GRADUATED from high school.. how exciting right? As I walked across in front of all of those people. It was the most awesome feeling in the entire world. A feeling of exctiement. A feeling of accomplishment. A feeling of having the world at my fingertips. I began to think that night though about the people who have gotten me where I am today. My parents, obviously for giving birth to me, and supporting me, and giving me what I need to live. My grandparents for driving 15 minutes every Sunday out of their way to pick me up for church, and help me to accept Christ into my heart, who never gave up on me, who always encouraged me, and always showed their love to me through my whole life. My other grandparents who have helped me financially through life to be able to do the things I wanted to do such as playing travel soccer, and buying me a flute to be in the band, and for loving me unconditionally. My church family for helping me to grow up and be a Christian, and live and honorable life, and eventually accept God's call into full-time ministry. My pastor, and music minister for continuously affirming God's Call for my life at all times, especially those times when I was down, and having a pity party thinking about how I wasn't good enough to be in ministry-- which I'm not, but I have to do what God calls me to do, or else I will be miserable. SOO many people. So much encouragement, so many laughs, and even so many tears have gotten me to the place I am today, and helped me to become the person that I am becoming, so although I'm still a work in progress, I'm excited to see how God will use me in the future! Although at times the future and the fear of the unknown seems scary, it is exciting to know that God has a plan, and that He wants to use me as part of that plan! God bless guys, and I'm sure I will write again soon! =)
Saturday, March 13, 2010
"In my heart and my sould, I give you control, Consume me from the inside out"
"to love you from the inside out"
"And the cry of my heart is to bring you praise, from the inside out, my soul cries out"
the words of that song by Hillsong United, made my heart feel heavy today. As I listened to the words, I couldn't help but think about my relationship with Christ, and how so much of the time, I want to give God 100% control, but then I get scared, and I pull back. It's a constant battle. It's a constant battle of the fear of losing control. I've chosent to go to Carson-Newman College next year.
In case you guys are like, "huh?"
Carson-Newman is a small Liberal arts college in Jefferson City TN.. It's a Baptist School, and I'm really getting excited about going there next year! For a while, I was literally terrified about going there. I didn't know where to go to school, and I just had such a lack of peace about the whole situation.
I learned through that though, that when you just take time to be still, when you take the time to actually listen to God instead of complain to Him, that He will give you exactly what you need to hear at exactly the right time! =)
I started working at a pre-school last Monday March 1st! I absoulutely love it so far. It's definitely showing me that I need to work with children when I get older, and to me that is exciting.
I'm not exactly sure what God has in store for my future, but I'm excited for His plans to be revealed to me a little at a time, it's sooo incredibly amazing! I keep having dreams and visions about being a church planter, and that excites me beyond what words can say! =) I know that whatever God tells me to do, I will be faithful, and I will obey His commands so that His work on earth can be fullfilled.
"The will of God will not take you where the grace of God will not protect you"
Blessing until later,
Jaime =)
"to love you from the inside out"
"And the cry of my heart is to bring you praise, from the inside out, my soul cries out"
the words of that song by Hillsong United, made my heart feel heavy today. As I listened to the words, I couldn't help but think about my relationship with Christ, and how so much of the time, I want to give God 100% control, but then I get scared, and I pull back. It's a constant battle. It's a constant battle of the fear of losing control. I've chosent to go to Carson-Newman College next year.
In case you guys are like, "huh?"
Carson-Newman is a small Liberal arts college in Jefferson City TN.. It's a Baptist School, and I'm really getting excited about going there next year! For a while, I was literally terrified about going there. I didn't know where to go to school, and I just had such a lack of peace about the whole situation.
I learned through that though, that when you just take time to be still, when you take the time to actually listen to God instead of complain to Him, that He will give you exactly what you need to hear at exactly the right time! =)
I started working at a pre-school last Monday March 1st! I absoulutely love it so far. It's definitely showing me that I need to work with children when I get older, and to me that is exciting.
I'm not exactly sure what God has in store for my future, but I'm excited for His plans to be revealed to me a little at a time, it's sooo incredibly amazing! I keep having dreams and visions about being a church planter, and that excites me beyond what words can say! =) I know that whatever God tells me to do, I will be faithful, and I will obey His commands so that His work on earth can be fullfilled.
"The will of God will not take you where the grace of God will not protect you"
Blessing until later,
Jaime =)
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Are You Serious God?
So, another month has passed and it's now February. Now I still have that fear. I'm still scared, but I think the reason I'm scared now is because I know what God wants, but honestly I don't want to do it. I know where God wants me to go to school, and it's not Carson-Newman, and it's not Averett. I don't want to say where it is right now, but know that it's totally not what I want. I want to go to a small school not close to home, and God wants me to go to a large school that is very near to home. So from that you may be able to figure out what I'm talking about haha. And this scares me because I have never taken a huge step of faith like this before because not only do the people who are close to me not agree with this decision, I have NO EARTHLY idea why God wants me there. But it feels so right, like before this week I have had such a lack of peace about my college decision. And after thinking about this new school, there is this overwhelming sense of peace that everything will be okay, and that God will bless me immensly through this if I just allow Him to be at work in my life. I'm going to "walk by faith, not by sight" and that is something that is terrifying, yet exciting. I'm ready to embark on this journey even though I know it's not going to be easy!
Friday, January 15, 2010
My heart at the moment
Fear: the four letter word that accounts for many failures in life, and holds people back from achieving their goals and aspirations. The four letter word, that is holding ME back from being who God has called me to be! Honestly, I know what God wants me to do! God wants me to be a missionary. God wants me to live my life totally 100% for Him, to totally give up "Jaime" and be "Jaime/God" okay maybe not that drastic, because I will still be Jaime, but it will be God living through me. How cool does that sound, God loves me so much that He wants to live through me, and to show me how to daily follow Him! That's exciting! But then that four letter word comes in. I don't know why i'm scared, I mean what could be wrong with the creator of the whole universe planning out my life totally and completely! AWESOME to say the least. Honestly, I really think God wants me to do work in Haiti. I really feel that call and that burden on my heart. Please don't think though that i'm some kind of religious moron who is all into helping others when disaster strikes, but no other time. You can ask my friends and family if you don't believe me, Haiti has been somewhere in my mind since my mission trip to Manchester in November. The first time I ever met Drucie she told me she wanted me to go to Haiti with her. And ever since atleast once a week if not many more times, my heart is burdened for the lost souls in Haiti, for the lonely people, for the children who are orphans just left on the street, for the starving malnourished babies, who need food and some LOVE, for the young adults, and adults of all ages who just need someone to talk to, who jsut need someone to tell them that they matter, and that they are loved, but more importantly that they are loved by the eternal father, the creator of the universe, the one who perfectly placed the stars in the sky, and knows the number of hairs on each persons head! and honestly, even though my parents don't want me to go to Haiti, I know that sometime in my near future, I'm going to have the opportunity to go, and at that time, my parents hearts will be softened, and at that time, they will say yes for the holy spirit will be speaking through them! Please, if you are reading this, please be in prayer for the people in Haiti, and also please be in prayer that if it is God's will for me to do missions in Haiti, that my parents will allow me to go! Thanks Guys, God Bless!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Fear of the Unknown
Is it bad to cringe at the thought of the future? Well I guess I don't really cringe, it's more like, I'm just totally 100% terrified of the future and what it's going to hold for me. But I don't know why, someone once said something that was really insightful that I wish I could feel, "I don't know what my future holds, but I'm certain of who holds my future" And it's so true because I know that God has a hand in my future, and that it is going to be phenomenal, but a part of me is terrified, because I don't know where God is going to send me. I've wanted to be a youth minister for a couple years now, and I was certain at a time that that is what God wanted me to do, but as I've gotten more involved with mission work, I really can see my future in that, but i'm scared. Because I don't know where I will end up. God could send me halfway across the world, and I would have to go because how can you say no to the creator of the universe. But at the same time, I'm super incredibly excited, because the creator of the stars and moon, and sun and rain has chosen me to help Him tell the whole world about Jesus Christ, and that's exciting, but I can't get over this anxiety! I can't get over the thoughts of not being near my family and friends, and that terrifies me! It terrifies me more than you know! And I guess part of my fear is fear without faith, and don't get me wrong, I have faith, but I don't think I have confidence in my own abilities, and I think that is because without Christ, I have no strength or abilities, so therefore I don't know why I am scared because obviously if God sends me He will protect me whereever I go. I think also though one of my biggest fears is the fear of not being accepted, and I think that really makes me not be able to see my mission field at home. And I know that it's not a good thing because Jesus was made fun of, and spit on, and ultimitately crucified, so why am I scared. Like I can go to Kentucky, and I can go to Louisiana, and share about Christ, but a part of me is scared to spread Christ's love in Madison Heights VA, and I can't believe that i'm even sharing that because it's embarrasing. So throughout this year, that's going to be my goal, to love the unlovable, and to share Christ's Love everywhere, and not worry about what other people say about me, because I AM princesss because my father is the king of kings! = )
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