Tonight we had a speaker come in and talk to us about the lies that we believe and the wounds that can in turn heal us. The speaker was Kary Oberbrunner who is the author of several books, one being "Your Secret Name" which I am currently reading-- and I really encourage you all to read it or atleast check our Oberbrunner and his story. Oberbrunner was once a self-injurer and he told us a little of his story of how God healed him from that. One cool thing that he said tonight that really hit home for me was this, "All sin is self-injury" It doesn't matter if we are a cutter or if we bad mouth our parents, that is all a form of self-injury. He went on to talk about the 'Imposter Sydrome' which I can find myself relating to at times. A lot of the times we walk into the doors of the church only to put on the mask of a perfect Christian and then we leave the building so ashamed that we fear taking off our masks because we fear the rejection that we may receive from people around us. I challenge you today, to be real with God. Tell God your struggles as well as your joys. Tell God what is bothering you and let God heal your deepest wounds. We were challenged tonight to write our own Psalm and I want to share mine with you. Here it is, raw and unedited-- therefore it is not perfect, but was what was on my heart tonight!
My Psalm to God
Mother God, holder of our broken souls, Thank You
Father God, applicator of needed discipline, Thank You
Compassionate Friend, Confidant of our deepest secrets, Thank You
Healing Lord, The One who bandages our scraped knees, Thank You
Beautiful Creator, Molder of our clay selves, Thank You
Sacrificial Lamb, Giver of Your only Son, Thank You
When we see the barren Woman, let us hold her
When we throw selfish tantrums, remain firm
When we see a friend in need, let us be their crying shoulder
When we go to the bedside of the sick, burden our hearts
When we busily glance at the fading sunset, grasp our attention
Teach us to love justice and mercy
Teach us to speak up for those without a voice
Giver of love, peace, joy, patience, kindness, and beauty
For Your fruits of the Spirit, we give thanks
Break the chains of bitterness, shame, fear, guilt, self-hatred, and lonliness.
Thank You
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