Saturday, November 19, 2011

Blast off to.. weird?!? -- or I guess awesome!

Soo, I haven't written on here in forever! I wanted to take the time in this post to tell you all about my wonderful roommate, Katie Broyles! She has inspired me to start blogging again because of her really nifty blog. If you want to see it, Click here!! =) I moved in with her during September after some crazy situations and everything just worked out so perfectly for me to move in with her. Her roommate didn't come back, and I was not happy in my room so it all just worked out really well and was a true blessing from God. It was so perfect that all of our stuff for our rooms even matched. Soo here is the top ten things about my roommate and why she's amazing!

10. She is very creative and crafty (you'll see this even more if you look at her blog) =)
9. She's from the great state of VA only about an hour from me! haha
8. She loves watching movies like me
7. She tells me what I say in my sleep when we wake up in the mornings.
6. She's super smart and is going to make an amazing Physicians Assistant.. according to her, "I want to save them lives" =)
5. She's a hopeless romantic-- I think this is cute because I'm exactly the opposite-- maybe one day she'll rub off on me a little bit
4. She has pretty amazing friends-- Lindsay and Abbey- they make me laugh all the time!
3. She helps me to pick out my clothes because I don't have much of a sense for fashion--(but on the downside she tries to not let me wear socks and chacos)
2. We both love to watch Glee
1. She laughs at me all the time no matter what it is that I do! Especially when I come home and tell stories about how crazy my semester has been and all of the drama! =)

Basically we think the same things a lot of the time.. it's so funny how much alike we are.. we also have some of the most random conversations that really would not make sense to a lot of people.. For example we just had a conversation about how I was a princess with keebler elves as my entourage and how I kept my princess crown in my car--- see, it doesn't make sense.. does it?

Well I hope you all have an amazing day! While youre at it, scroll back to the top and click on Katie's blog! You will love it, I promise, or you get your money back..

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